Write me a story!! It can be a story about life on your 300 acre ranch (lucky you!) or about your garden on your apartment balcony (good for you!). You may know what you are doing raising your own food and can teach me some lessons on how to do life on the franch better. Or you can make me feel better about our mistakes and tell me how you or your spouse (stories about spouses are definitely funnier!) messed something up on your farm. It can be about those moments that make you happy to live a life with farm animals or those moments that make you crazy (don’t worry, we all know it’s the animals that make you crazy!). I’m curious. What’s it like raising your family on a hobby farm? Or why did you quit something else to ranch for a living? Life isn’t always a bed of roses so you can even tell that story that doesn’t have a good ending. It’s life and it’s meant to be shared.
Please send your story to lifeonthefranch@gmail.com. Please keep it at around 300 words or less. I’m not going to spend time counting the words, but I do have franch chores to get done so, no novels, please. If you want to include an image, you can try, but please only images with your own camera taken by you (not even by your own mother) since I don’t know yet how to handle copyright issues (and I don’t want your mother coming after me). I will read, maybe make some minor edits (my children read mommy’s blog), and write you back to get final permission to publish on franchlife.com. I won’t post your full name as author unless you want me to (sometimes it’s nice to be anonymous!).
I’m excited to brew a fresh cup of coffee and sit on our front porch rocking chair (the one my barn cat relaxes on more than me), and laugh at, cry with, and learn from you, my readers.
advice to me